
Sunday 14 July 2024


In today's competitive work environment, it is crucial to exert extra effort. Organizations and employers of labour are in constant search for workers that are committed to completing tasks, demonstrating commitment, and showcasing excellence in the discharge of their duties.

Putting in extra effort at work is not only important for professional growth; it is also crucial for personal growth. A lot of times, people only focus on completing tasks assigned to them, ignoring the need to go the extra mile to get the task done beyond what is expected.

When you put in extra effort and exceed  expectations, there's a possibility that you are unlocking your door to recognition, possible promotion, and career advancement. Your extra effort at work or in completing tasks portrays you as a person with a strong work ethic who will be valued as a team player.

Those who consistently put in extra effort tend to build a positive reputation among colleagues and superiors. This reputation can lead to significant opportunities, such as leading important projects or being considered for higher-level positions.

Be committed to adding your extra effort to every task, for in due season you will reap the rewards.

Have a great week!

My name is Oyetunde Oni. I am an author, a broadcast journalist, and a multimedia content creator.

Friday 5 April 2024

Social media, Nathaniel Bassey and the need for self-restraint

The importance of social media cannot be overemphasized, given the numerous advantages that it has brought to humanity. With the advent of social media, people can easily connect with one another, sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions across frontiers. Social media has also become a tool for business owners, organizations, and service providers to promote their businesses and engage with prospective clients across geographical borders.

However, with the rise in the use of social media, it is increasingly becoming a tool of oppression; stalking, identity theft, personal attacks, and misuse of information are some of the dangers faced by social media users. The quest for likes, shares, comments, and increased traffic are some of the underlying factors why people are sometimes reckless in what they say on social media without considering the consequences of their actions on others and themselves.

Recently, gospel artiste Nathaniel Bassey, petitioned Inspector-General of Police Kayode Egbetokun to investigate and prosecute four individuals who falsely accused him of being the father of Mercy Chinwo’s child. 

The petition, according to Bassey’s legal representatives, was submitted on April 1, 2024, alleging criminal defamation and cyber stalking against some individuals identified as Okoronkwo Ejike, Kingsley Ibeh, Terrence Ekot, and Dj Spoiltkid.

The four social media users alleged that Nathaniel Bassey fathered the child of fellow popular gospel singer Mercy Chinwo, leading to the spread of the false accusation on X (formerly Twitter). This is one of the many examples of false accusations and deliberate damage to reputation that go on daily in the social media space. This type of unfounded allegations and malicious statements can tarnish the reputation that these individuals have built over the years and consequently render their marriages and businesses unstable. Why should a sane person utter statements capable of causing others to suffer?

Section 24(1)(b) of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc.) Act 2015 states that:

Any     person     who     knowingly     or     intentionally     sends     a     message     or     other     matter     by    means    of    computer    systems    or    network    that:   

(b) he     knows     to     be     false,     for     the     purpose     of     causing     annoyance,     inconvenience    danger,     obstruction,     insult,     injury,     criminal     intimidation,     enmity,     hatred, ill     will          or    needless    anxiety    to    another    or    causes    such    a    message    to    be    sent: commits    an    offence    under    this    Act    and    shall    be liable    on    conviction    to    a    fine    of    not    more    than    N7,000,000.00    or    imprisonment    for    a    term    of    not    more    than    3    years    or    to    both    such    fine    and    imprisonment.

While we advocate for freedom of expression as enshrined in Section 39, Subsections 1 and 2, of the 1999 Constitution, ‘Every person is entitled to freedom of expression, including the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference…’ This freedom should be exercised within the ambit of the law. Undoubtedly, regardless of ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, language, social, or marital status, people have the right to express themselves ‘intelligently’ but when such rights infringe on other people's rights, they must take responsibility and be ready to face the consequences of their actions.

This issue of Nathaniel Bassey will be a wakeup call for ‘online in-laws’ and ‘keypad mercenaries’ to take caution and be responsible in what they like, share, and endorse on the social media space. 

Oyetunde Oni is my name. I am a writer, a broadcast journalist, and a lover of good works. I am excited to be back here after a few weeks of break. Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday 12 February 2024


The African Cup of Nations has come and gone, but there are lessons to be learned from the competition, particularly the victory of the host nation and their tortuous journey to becoming champions.

In the group stage of the tournament, the Ivorians lost two out of three group matches but still got to the final. Notable among the defeats they suffered was losing 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea. It was a humiliation for the host nation, as they lost in front of thousands of their fans.

Ivory Coast had to mobilize support for Morocco in order to beat Zambia so that they could qualify out of the group stage.

By providence and some element of luck, they had a second chance and started taking it with seriousness and tenacity of purpose.

One of the lessons to learn from the victory of the Ivorians is that sometimes you may start badly in life, but that does not mean you will end badly. It is very possible to have prepared, worked hard, and labored rigorously and still find yourself struggling to make progress. When you find yourself in such a situation, you don't have to give up. You just have to keep pushing, fighting, and believing that failure is a temporary setback and that you can emerge victorious.

Another lesson from the victory of the Ivorians is that in life, when you have a second chance or opportunity to right your wrong or to act on something, don't play with the second chance. Give it all the seriousness it deserves and strive to make it better. The Ivorians were lucky to qualify for the second round, and they picked it up game after game. Each one of us must approach life gradually. We must focus on one thing at a time with determination to excel.

In addition, taking a look at the progression of the Senegalese team, they didn't lose any match at the group stage. But when they played against Ivory Coast, which lost two of their group stage matches, they were eliminated. What's the lesson here? The race is not for the swift. That someone has gone ahead of you in life doesn't mean you cannot overtake the person or the group of persons. All you need to do is keep grinding and working on yourself. With your determination to triumph and the availability of superior grace as a system of advancement, you can always succeed.

Having displayed teamwork, zeal, and individual brilliance in their build-up to the finals, the Super Eagles of Nigeria weren't as hungry as the Ivorians were in the final of the match. After leading by a lone goal in the first half, they sat back only for the Ivorians to keep the pressure on them, and in the end, the Ivorians came from behind to clinch the prestigious trophy. In life, learning to keep the momentum going is one of the secrets to victory. Even when it appears that you are losing the battle, keep the pressure on. Keep pushing hard, and with time, you might find yourself lifting up that trophy you had dreamt of and singing the victory song that you have longed to sing.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Four Life Lessons From The School Bell

Life is replete with diverse symbols from which deep lessons of life can be taught and learned. One of such symbols is the school bell. There are valuable lessons that we can learn from the bell while we go through life. Some of these lessons resonate from childhood into our adulthood shaping and remoulding us.

The school bell is one of the symbols of authority in any academic setting -especially in the primary and secondary school. The school bell keeps the students on their toes in the morning. The rhythmic tolling sets the commencement of activities and also instill the consciousness of punctuality in every students.

The school bell teaches us the art of transitioning in the journey of life because life itself is full of uncertainties. Therefore, we must constantly be on guard, prepared and watchful. The consistent shift from one class to another for students who are in school mirrors life's unexpected turns, emphasizing the need to navigate change seamlessly. A man can be struggling to eat today but tomorrow he can be feeding a nation. The school bell reinforces the notion that transitions must happen and that they are not disruptions but opportunities for growth. 

Another lesson from the school bell is that it emphasizes time management. It reveals the broader truth that time is a finite resource and individuals must allocate it wisely by striking a balance between work and leisure for personal and professional growth.

Also, the school bell builds a sense of togetherness for collective action that promotes unity. Every student is binded by the sound of the bell. This experience of responding to the bell cultivates a cooperative spirit among the students, teaching that individual efforts contribute to the overall harmony of a community. In the same manner, the school bell emphasizes harmonious relationship among colleagues and co-workers.

Friday 5 January 2024

Why You Should Set a Goal in the New Year

A goal is a set target that an individual or group aims to achieve within a set period of time. Every goal must be specific, measurable, and achievable.

A major benefit of setting a goal is that it provides direction, motivation, and the needed guide toward desired outcomes. For your goal to be effective, it must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Every goal that is set, personal or professional, must serve as a roadmap that will help individuals prioritize tasks and stay focused on their goals. A clearly identified goal or goals gives you the energy and impetus to push towards the accomplishment of your set goal.
Successful goal-setting involves careful planning, regular evaluation, and adaptability to changing circumstances, fostering continuous growth and development.

Setting achievable goals in the new year is an important step towards personal and professional growth. In every new year, people make resolutions and set goals. But a few weeks into the year, a lot of people fail to keep up with the pursuit of their goals. The reason is simple. Most goal-setters lack intentionality and purpose in the pursuit of their set goals.

Here are some guides to help you set and attain realistic goals in the new year.

1. Evaluate the past year:
The first thing to do before setting a new goal is to reflect on the previous year. Think about your achievements, challenges, failures, and areas for improvement. When you take time to reflect, you will gain valuable insights that can inform your goal-setting process. Reflecting on both successes and setbacks allows you to set more meaningful and realistic objectives for the coming year.

2. Know Your Priorities:
You must know what is most important to you. When you don't set goals, you are most likely to be distracted from those things that matter to you, such as goals. Identify the most significant aspects of your life, such as career, health, relationships, and personal development, and set goals around these areas. Prioritizing these areas helps you focus on what truly matters to you. Consider what brings you fulfillment and balance, as this will guide you in setting goals aligned with your values.

3. Define your goals and make them clear.
Make sure that your goal is specific, measurable, and time-bound. For instance, rather than set a goal like "read daily," you need to be specific. The goal can be to "read for 1 hour daily between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. When you have a goal clearly stated like this, you now have to build internal mechanisms to help you be consistent in reading during the hour set.

4. Break down your goals:
Sometimes, some goals may take time to achieve. Therefore, learn how to break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, making it easier to track your progress.

5. Create an action plan: Write a thorough action plan that outlines the steps needed to accomplish each goal. You might need to specify the methods used if maintaining your fitness is your main objective. For example, you might have to jog for thirty minutes, three times a week. Alternatively, sign up for an hourly fitness class on the weekends.

6. Have a flexible and practical mindset.
Setting and sticking to a goal does not guarantee success. In fact, when you encounter some extremely difficult obstacles, you may feel inclined to give up on your goals. At this point, if things change, you might need to modify your goals. You'll need to be adaptable as you work toward your goals. Being adaptable enables you to adapt to unforeseen challenges without feeling discouraged.

7. Monitor Your Progress:
Regularly monitor your progress to stay motivated and identify areas that may need adjustments. Create a system, either using goal-tracking software, a spreadsheet, a notebook, or a daily record, to track and monitor your accomplishments and milestones.

8. Accept failures.
It is inevitable that there will be moments when you struggle to continue. However, keep in mind that obstacles are a normal part of every path. Consider them chances for learning and development rather than failures. Examine the causes of your breakdowns, modify your strategy as necessary, and use the experience to fortify your resolve and resilience towards your goal.

Finally, establishing realistic goals in the new year requires careful thought, targeted preparation, and a dedication to ongoing development.

May 2024 be more fruitful and prosperous for you!

My name is Oyetunde Oni. I am a writer, a broadcast journalist and a believer of the word of God.

Tuesday 28 November 2023


Yesterday was my birthday, and I decided to reflect on the few years that I have spent on earth. My introspection about my journey ended with the conclusion that life is indeed a gift.

I pondered the ability of the supreme God to do unto me as He so desired. After all, God (the potter) has power over the clay. "Why has He made me in His own image?" I asked myself. He could have made me something else instead. But He chose to fashion me in His own image and breathe life into me.

I remembered at 18 years old how God had delivered me from the hands of death that could have swallowed me. I remembered how I had struggled with death that night as I rolled on that student-sized bed, hoping and silently praying that that night wouldn't be my last. The fear of death will make the strongest of us tremble. Those who have had a near-death experience will understand better.

While thinking about my journey here, I vividly recalled the multiple hurdles and challenges that God has helped me overcome. The ups and downs of life and the favor and mercy that EDUMARE has given me.

In all of these, one thing is sure and true: God is good and His mercy endures forever. In my little years, experience has taught me that the fierceness of life is without empathy—life comes at all of us differently and suddenly without notice.

We, however, must put our trust and totality in God in order to be able to overcome the vicissitudes of life.

I encourage you to be resolute and not give up in your quest for that goal. Be strong and more determined to pursue that dream. It may not look good today, but you will lift up your eyes tomorrow and sing the triumphant song only if you believe in God.

This is my story of God's goodness in the years gone by.

My name is Oyetunde Oni.

Have a beautiful week. God bless you!

Monday 2 January 2023

Four Reasons Why You Should Learn Graphic Design

The importance of a Graphic Designer cannot be underestimated in any organization. Many organizations today now hire Graphic Designers, ghostwriters, and copywriters among others to work for them because of competition with other brands.

So, as a Graphic Designer, the opportunity to make good money is now available.

Below are some of the benefits of being a Graphic Designer:

1. Your employment isn’t tied to just one industry

Companies across a huge variety of industries need to promote their brands. This means that they need logos, brand guidelines, and tons of other important visual materials to support them. This means there’s plenty of opportunity to work for clients across a wide variety of industries whipping up a promotional poster or working on a logo for a company.

2. You can work in multiple environments

The way work comes to graphic designers is pretty unique. You may find yourself as part of a small, in-house team working for a single client or in a fast-paced agency environment that works with multiple clients with their own distinct visual feel. 

3. You can decide to be self-employed

As a Graphic Designer, not only can you work in a variety of environments, but you can also be your own boss and choose to start a freelance business in that niche. Not only does this mean you can work from home, but you can also set your own price and hours of work.

4. You have the power to showcase your creativity

Graphic Designers get to express their creativity on a regular basis because that's the essence of the job! You’ve got plenty of creative ideas and concepts you’d like to experiment with, and this job allows you to give them an expression. 

If you’re the kind of person who has a wide range of interests and is always itching to learn something new, graphic design could provide the right outlet for you, allowing you to learn and make money.

Here is an opportunity for you to acquire a skill in Graphic Design that will help you to be financially independent and take care of your needs.

Click the link below: