
Monday 20 September 2021

How to live a happy life


Most people find it hard to live a happy life especially in this part of the world because of numerous challenges that are confronting them. Most of the factors that rob people of their happiness are hinged on the need for love, financial pressure and family needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. A lot of people have become victims of sicknesses and untimely death because of the inability to overcome the challenges they're passing through.

On today's edition of my podcast, I will be discussing some of the ways through which you can live a happy life irrespective of what you are going through.

Firstly, to live a happy life, you must be contented with whatever you have. You must understand that contentment is a virtue and a strength on your part. A lot of people are not contented with what they've and they try to get whatever they want by all means using any available means-legal or illegal. It is in the act of exhibiting a lack of contentment that most people suffer untold hardship and pain because they are not contented with what they have. In 1 Timothy 6:6, The Bible speaks about being content. The verse says, but godliness with contentment is a great gain. That part of the scripture makes it abundantly clear that we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it. The wisdom here is that no matter the position you want to get to, no matter what you strive to achieve, and no matter the record you want to set, you won't go with anything when you cross over the bar to the other side of the divide. So it is important that we cultivate the habit of being contented with whatever we have whether little or much.

Secondly, to live a happy life, you must learn to be patient. To be patient means to have the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Majority of us are not patient when it comes to getting certain things. We want that promotion now! We want the investment to yield profit immediately. We want to ride the latest cars now! We want everything to take shape immediately. Most people are frustrated when they're spending months or years in pursuit of their personal needs and they aren't making any meaningful progress. A lot of people have stopped their academics halfway because of lack of patience. A lot of people have walked out of their marriage because of lack of patience. While a lot of people have also ended up in correctional facilities because they perpetrate fraudulent acts because they couldn't be patient to wait for their time. Dear listener, for you to live a happy life you must be patient.

Another way through which you can live a happy life is by showing gratitude. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what you have received in life. So many people don't know how to express gratitude. They complain and grumble when challenges come their way. Dear listeners, you need to be grateful on a daily basis. Be grateful for the shift in position from where you are yesterday to another level today. Your yesterday may be rough, but you are not where you used to be. So, be grateful for what you have been able to achieve presently and also give thanks to God for the greater things ahead of you. When you cultivate the habit of gratitude, anxiety and depression will fizzle out of your way and you will gather strength and momentum to live a happy life without any iota of worry.

Also, another way to live and enjoy a happy life is by celebrating your small wins and success. A lot of people don’t see any reason why they should celebrate their little wins because they may look so small and insignificant to what they want. It is important to celebrate your small wins because when you celebrate them, you will create a memory out of the wins. And these memories will become an impetus that will drive you to pursue other goals irrespective of the obstacles on your way. Don’t treat your little wins as though it is not an achievement that is not worthy to celebrate. Celebrate your wins no matter how little or small it seems.


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